Etracker Pro: Track Phone Calls And Convert Them Into Sales

Integrated With

Amplify Your Marketing and Sales Strategies

Etracker Pro uses Google Analytics and E-commerce platform integration via Bigcommerce, Shopify, and Woocommerce. Matching user-captured phone calls (Session IDs) leads to increased sales opportunities and optimized marketing strategies.

How It Works

Etracker Pro tracks phone orders when store owners add the Session ID to the orders on their admin panel. Etracker Pro then pulls this data and displays those orders on the user-customizable Etracker Pro dashboard.

How we track phone calls is that: the user creates a lead on Etracker Pro and adds the Session ID as well. Then we match the analytics data and we update in case the same Session ID makes an order.

Key Features For Your eCommerce Business

Our goal with Etracker is to seamlessly integrate with your existing marketing process by implementing our helpful tool to your eCommerce platform so you can easily start reaping the benefits.

Phone Order Tracking

Create leads by adding Phone Order (Session ID) to track whether calls are turning into sales.

Order Tracking

Review your web and phone order data on one user-friendly dashboard.

Easy Setup

Etracker Pro installs in 4 simple steps and then is customizable as you wish.

Simple Dashboard

All data from Etracker Pro is displayed on one dashboard making it easy to learn and use.

Advanced Filters

Filter the data as you need to identify potential sales and new marketing segments.

Google Analytics Integration

Etracker Pro collects and displays the information in a practical way for your team to use to optimize marketing strategies.

Get Started In A Few Simple Steps

1. Sign Up with Email

2. Integrate with Google Analytics

3. Paste code into your script* and Get Started!

*(only for Woocommerce and Non-eCommerce websites)

Use Etracker Pro To Get The Most Out Of Your Marketing Budget

After Setting Up Etracker Pro, Customize How Etracker Will Display Phone Call Data For You

You can customize the Session ID appearance including the placement, color, and size.

Introduce Etracker Pro To Your Marketing and Sales Teams

One easy-to-use Session ID makes integrating it with your team marketing processes a breeze.

Understanding the Value of Etracker Pro

Making the connection between your phone leads and your online customer data will allow you to refine your targeting strategies and increase your chances of moving customers through the sales funnel.

Etracker Pro Can Bridge Your Marketing and Sales Team

Your marketing team collects online leads, and the sales team converts the leads. Etracker will be the bridge between these two departments.

Filter The Data Columns and Save Time

Customize the data provided as you wish. Filter items you want to track to spend less time reviewing metrics and more time analyzing the data.